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Suche nach Veröffentlichungen - Detailansicht

Art der Veröffentlichung: Artikel in Konferenzband
Autor: C. Mandel, K. Huebner, T. Vierhuff
Titel: Towards an Autonomous Wheelchair: Cognitive Aspects in Service Robotics
Buch / Sammlungs-Titel: Proceedings of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2005)
Seite(n): 165 – 172
Erscheinungsjahr: 2005
Abstract / Kurzbeschreibung: As the origin of this work comes from the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Robotics we basically describe the sensorimotor capabilities of an autonomous robot i. e. an automated wheelchair. Beginning with the technical aspects of sensing the environment and extracting its essential features, we relate these techniques to the terminology of Cognitive Science. We continue this practice in describing the way the robot represents its local neighbourhood as well as the global workspace. By describing algorithms for global localisation, navigation, and a natural language interface to the overall system, we conclude the description of our state of affairs in the development of a fully autonomous wheelchair.
Internet: http://www.taros.org.uk/
PDF Version: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~khuebner/publications/MandelHV05.pdf
Status: Reviewed
Letzte Aktualisierung: 25. 10. 2005

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