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Suche nach Veröffentlichungen - Detailansicht

Art der Veröffentlichung: Artikel in Konferenzband
Autor: Frank Drewes, Berthold Hoffmann, Mark Minas
Herausgeber: Peter Knirsch, Hans-Jörg Kreowski
Titel: Constructing Shapely Nested Graph Transformations
Buch / Sammlungs-Titel: Proc. Int'l Workshop on Applied Graph Transformation (AGT'02)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2002
Verleger: Universite de Grenoble
Abstract / Kurzbeschreibung: Shapely nested graph transformation is the computational model for DIAPLAN, a language for programming with graphs representing diagrams that is currently being developed. This model supports nested structuring of graphs, graph variables, and structural graph types (shapes), but is still intuitive. In this paper, we show that the construction of shapely nested graph transformation steps can be reduced to solving the subgraph isomorphism and variable matching problem for the components of a structured graph, and devise restrictions of the transformation rules that improve efficiency. Shapes provide useful structural information about the graphs involved in a transformation step, and may therefore further improve efficiency.
PDF Version: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~hof/papers/AGT02.pdf
PostScript Version: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~hof/papers/AGT02.ps.gz
Status: Reviewed
Letzte Aktualisierung: 18. 03. 2004

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