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4.1.2 Use components

For sound engineering reasons, complex systems are built out of simpler components with the correctness of the system as a whole dependent on properties of the components, rather than on precise implementation details. For properly designed systems, this structure can be exploited to reduce the work involved in checking the system. For example, suppose we can write

SYSTEM = F(C_1, C_2)

for some components C_1 and C_2, and that we wish to check that


and that the properties of the subcomponents can be expressed as S_1 and S_2. Then we can establish the result we require by three simpler tests, namely

S_1 [= C_1

S_2 [= C_2

SPEC [= F(S_1, S_2)


SPEC [= F(S_1, S_2) [= F(C_1, C_2) = SYSTEM

follows by the compositional nature of the CSP operators.

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