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A.1.3 Sequences


<>, <1,2,3> sequence literals
<m..n> closed range (from integer m to n inclusive)
<m..> open range (from integer m upwards)
s^t sequence catenation
#s, length(s) length of a sequence
null(s) test if a sequence is empty
head(s) give first element of a non-empty sequence
tail(s) give all but the first element of a non-empty sequence
concat(s) join together a sequence of sequences
elem(x,s) test if an element occurs in a sequence
<x1,... xn | x<-s, b> comprehension


null(s) = s==<>
<m..n> = if m<=n then <m>^<m+1..n> else <>
elem(x,s) = not null(< z | z <-s, z==x >
< x | > = < x >
< x | b, ...> = if b then < x | ...> else <>
< x | x'<-s, ...> = concat(< < x | ...> | x'<-s >)


All the elements of a sequence must have the same type. concat and elem behave as if defined by

concat(s)      = if null(s) then <> else head(s)^concat(tail(s))
elem(_, <>)    = false
elem(e, <x>^s) = e==x or elem(e,s)

Similarly, we can define palindrome to test if a sequence is its own reverse (that is `s == reverse(s)') by

palindrome(<x>^s^<y>) = x==y and palindrome(s)
palindrome(_)         = true

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