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Arbeitsgruppe Rechnerarchitektur / AGRA | Informatik | FB03 | Universität Bremen

Buch Detail

Test Pattern Generation using Boolean Proof Engines

Autor: Rolf Drechsler, Stephan Eggersglüß, Görschwin Fey, Daniel Tille
Verlag: Springer
Format: Hardcover
Erscheinungsjahr: 2009

In "Test Pattern Generation using Boolean Proof Engines", we give an introduction to ATPG. The basic concept and classical ATPG algorithms are reviewed. Then, the formulation as a SAT problem is considered. As the underlying engine, modern SAT solvers and their use on circuit related problems are comprehensively discussed. Advanced techniques for SAT-based ATPG are introduced and evaluated in the context of an industrial environment. The chapters of the book cover efficient instance generation, encoding of multiple-valued logic, usage of various fault models, and detailed experiments on multi-million gate designs. The book describes the state of the art in the field, highlights research aspects, and shows directions for future work.

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