About CoFI CoFI WGCoFI Industrial Impact

CoFI Industrial Impact

The long-term industrial impact of the Common Framework is to encourage the adoption of algebraic techniques, which should be beneficial for both efficiency of production and quality of products, while the industrial impact in the short term is limited to the experimental use of algebraic techniques by a few industrial groups who are already interested.

To this end, the consortium has contacts with industrial groups who support CoFI, and who have expressed interest in collaborating in case studies to evaluate the applicability of the Common Framework. Apart from contributing to dissemination and awareness, this will provide feedback about any mismatch between the needs of industrial users and what the Common Framework provides. This feedback will be taken into account before further industrial groups are targeted as potential users.

CoFI : CoFI -- Version:  -- November 29, 2004.
Comments to pdmosses@brics.dk

About CoFI CoFI WGCoFI Industrial Impact