

On Unix, the GNU command wget, available from http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/, may be used to copy the CoFI web pages from Denmark, adjusting links to refer to the local copy. Using time-stamping, further copies should be incremental.

The full archives are currently about 20MB of HTML, much of which is obsolete!

Scripts are being developed to download only the current web pages, and will be made available here as soon as they have been properly tested. The following downloads the full archives, and is not recommended!!!:

wget --mirror  --convert-links --domains=www.brics.dk \
     --no-host-lookup --no-parent --non-verbose \
     --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=1 \

CoFI : CoFI -- Version:  -- November 29, 2004.
Comments to pdmosses@brics.dk
