CoFI PresentationsArchivesCoFI Documents

CoFI Documents

CoFI publications and unpublished Casl documents are listed separately.

CoFI Rationale:
The CoFI Rationale states the main aims and scope of the Common Framework Initiative.
Internal CoFI document formatting:
The cofidoc LaTeX package facilitates formatting CoFI documents in both PDF and HTML, see [42] (to be updated in September 2003).
Casl specification formatting:
The casl LaTeX package facilitates formatting Casl specifications in both PDF and HTML, see [44] (to be updated in September 2003).
Obsolete unpublished documents:
The CoFI documents listed in obsolete have become obsolete: some have been superseded by new versions, or subsumed by later documents or published material; others address early design proposals for Casl, or other topics of at most historical interest.

CoFI : CoFI -- Version:  -- November 29, 2004.
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CoFI PresentationsArchivesCoFI Documents