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1 Background

The algebraic approach to software specification originated in the early 1970's. Since then, dozens of algebraic specification languages have been developed--all of them supporting the basic idea of using axioms to specify algebras, but differing in design choices concerning syntax (concrete and abstract) and semantics. The lack of a common framework for algebraic specification and development has discouraged industrial acceptance of the algebraic method, hindered its dissemination, and limited tool applicability.

Why not agree on a common framework? This was the provocative question asked at a WADT meeting in Santa Margherita, 1994. At least the main concepts to be incorporated were thought to be clear--although it was realized that it might not be so easy to agree on a common language to express these concepts.

The following aims and scope were formulated at the start of the Common Framework Initiative, CoFI, in September 1995 [13]:

The aims of CoFI are to provide a common framework:

The scope of CoFI is: The specification language developed by CoFI is called CASL: the Common Algebraic Specification Language. Its main features are: The CASL design effort started in September 1995. An initial design was proposed in May 1997 (with a language summary, abstract syntax, formal semantics, but no agreed concrete syntax) and tentatively approved by IFIP WG1.3. Apart from a few details, the design was finalized in April 1998, with a complete draft language summary available, including concrete syntax. CASL version 1.0 was released in October 1998; the formal semantics given for the proposed design has now been updated to reflect the changes.
CoFI Document: CASL/GuidedTour -- Version: 1 -- July 1999.
Comments to pdmosses@brics.dk

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