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Go up to 5 Architectural Specifications
Go forward to 5.3 Language Constructs

5.2 Semantic Concepts

A model of an architectural specification consists of:

Unit constructors are either constants, or functions from units to units. In the latter case, the functions are always persistent, extending their arguments (the function F considered above should clearly not be allowed to ignore the argument implementation N and incorporate a different implementation of Nat). When functions have more than one argument, the arguments must be compatible, implementing any common symbols in exactly the same way (this follows immediately from the requirement that a function should extend each argument separately).
CoFI Document: CASL/GuidedTour -- Version: 1 -- July 1999.
Comments to pdmosses@brics.dk

Go backward to 5.1 Pragmatic Issues
Go up to 5 Architectural Specifications
Go forward to 5.3 Language Constructs