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3.3 Language Constructs

This section provides examples that illustrate the CASL language constructs for use in basic specifications: declarations and definitions (of sorts, operations, predicates, and datatypes), sort generation constraints, and axioms (involving variable declarations, quantifiers, connectives, atomic formulae, and terms). The examples are shown in display format; for input, a suggestive (ASCII or ISO Latin-1) plain text approximation is used, e.g., ` -> ' is input as `->', and `forall ' is input as `forall'.

Note that CASL allows declarations to be interspersed with definitions and axioms (as illustrated in Section 3.4). Visibility is linear: symbols have to be declared before they can be used (except within datatype declarations, where non-linear visibility allows mutually-recursive datatypes--e.g., List and NeList on page X).


Several sorts may be declared at once, possibly as subsorts of some other sort:2
Elem, List
Nat, Neg < Int
The values of a subsort may also be defined by a formula, e.g.:
Pos = { n:Nat · n > 0 }
This corresponds to declaring Pos < Nat and asserting that a value n in Nat is the embedding of some value from Pos iff the formula n > 0 holds.


Operations may be declared as total (using ` -> ') or partial (using ` ->? ') and given familiar attributes:
0 : Nat ;
suc : Nat -> Nat ;
pre : Nat ->? Nat ;
__+__ : Nat × Nat -> Nat, assoc, comm, unit 0
So-called mixfix notation is allowed: place-holders for arguments are written as pairs of underscores (single underscores are treated as letters in identifiers). All symbols should be input in the ISO Latin-1 character set, but annotations3 may cause them to be displayed differently, e.g., as mathematical symbols.

In simple cases, operations may also be defined at the same time they are declared:

1 : Nat = suc(0) ;
dbl(n:Nat) : Nat = n+n


Predicate declarations resemble operation declarations, but there is no result sort:
odd : Nat ;
__<__ : Nat × Nat
They too may also be defined at the same time they are declared:
even(n:Nat) <=> ¬ odd(n) ;
__ < __(m,n:Nat) <=> m<n \/ m=n


A datatype declaration looks like a context-free grammar in a variant of BNF. It declares the symbols on the left of `::=' as sorts, and for each alternative on the right it declares a constructor--possibly with some selectors. When datatypes are declared as `free', the specified models are as for a free extension in a structured specification: distinct constructor terms of the same sort are interpreted as distinct values, and each declared sort is freely-generated by its constructors.
Collection ::= empty | just(Elem) | join(Collection; Collection)
free type
Bit ::= 0 | 1
free type
Pair ::= pair(left,right:Elem)
When there is more than one alternative in a datatype declaration, any selectors are generally partial and have to be declared as such, by inserting `?':4
free type
List ::= nil | cons(hd:?Elem; tl:?List)
Partial selectors can generally be avoided by use of subsort embeddings as constructors:
free types
List ::= nil | sort NeList;
NeList ::= cons(hd:Elem; tl:List)

The last declaration above illustrates non-linear visibility within a list of datatype declarations: NeList is used before it has been declared.

Sort Generation Constraints:

The CASL syntax allows datatypes to be declared as `generated', so that the sorts are constrained to be generated by their constructors (and embedded subsorts):
generated type
Bag ::= empty | add(Elem; Bag)
generated types
Nat ::= 0 | sort Pos;
Pos ::= suc(pre:Nat)
More generally, any group of signature declarations can be subject to a sort generation constraint, e.g.:
Pos < Nat ;
0 : Nat ;    suc : Nat -> Pos  }


Variables for use in axioms may be declared `globally', in advance:
m,n : Nat; p : Pos
n < m => ...; suc(n)=p => ...; ...
Variables may also be declared locally to an `itemized' list of formulae:
x, y, z : Elem
x < x
x < y /\ y < z => x < z
or within a formula using explicit quantification:
forall n:Nat · exists m:Nat · n < m
forall p:Pos · exists ! n:Nat · suc(n)=p
The logical connectives have their usual interpretation:
even(n) <=> ¬  odd(n)
m < n <=> m < n \/ m = n
m < n => ¬  n = 0
even(m+n) if odd(m) /\ odd(n)

Atomic Formulae:

Definedness assertions can be explicit:
defpre(suc(n)) /\ ¬ defpre(0)
or implicit in existential equations, which are distinguished from strong equations by writing ` =e= ' (input as `=e=') instead of `=':
defpre(n) => suc(pre(n)) =e= pre(suc(n))
¬ ok(x, e) => find(x, cons(e,l)) = find(x, l)
Subsort membership assertions are written suggestively using ` e ' (input as `in'):
n e Pos <=> defpre(n)
Applications of predicates are written the same way as those of operations, possibly using mixfix notation.


Constants and variables may be written as sequences of words (optionally separated by single underscores--pairs of underscores are reserved for indicating place-holders in mixfix symbols--and decorated with primes) or mathematical signs: nil, empty_set, n, n', CURRENT_STATE.

Applications may be written using standard functional or mixfix notation: cons(e, l), {|e|} u s; they may also be written with explicit qualification, e.g., pre(n) may be written as (op pre:Nat ->? Nat)(n). Sorted terms (interpreted as applications of identity or subsort embeddings) are written straightforwardly, e.g.: dbl(suc(n):Nat). Casts (interpreted as applications of projections onto subsorts, the result of which may be undefined) are written using the reserved word `as', e.g.: pre(n as Pos).

CoFI Document: CASL/GuidedTour -- Version: 1 -- July 1999.
Comments to pdmosses@brics.dk

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