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4.1 Subsort Declarations

SIG-DECL         ::=  ... | SUBSORT-DECL
SUBSORT-DECL     ::=  subsort-decl SORT+ SORT
A subsort declaration SUBSORT-DECL declares all the sorts in the list SORT+, as well as their embedding in the specified SORT. The same sort may not occur more than once in each SUBSORT-DECL. A SUBSORT-DECL is well-formed only when it does not cause mutual or cyclic embeddings.

SIG-DECL         ::=  ... | ISO-DECL
ISO-DECL         ::=  iso-decl SORT+
By specifying an isomorphism declaration ISO-DECL, each sort in the list SORT+ is embedded in all the other sorts in that list, thus allowing mutual and cyclic embedding, which correspond to isomorphisms between the carrier sets. An ISO-DECL is well-formed only when there are at least two SORT components in the list SORT+.

Introducing an embedding relation between two sorts may cause function symbols to become related by the overloading relation, so that values of terms become equated when the terms are identical up to embedding.

CoFI Document: CASL/Summary-v0.97 --Version 0.97-- 20 May 1997.
Comments to cofi-language@brics.dk

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