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[CoFI] Concrete syntax examples (verbose style) [400 lines]

Dear CoFI members,

Please find below some examples written in the "verbose" form of the
concrete syntax. The examples are mainly a translation of the ones in
our initial proposal, shrunk to "basic items" [by commenting-out the
structuring constructs --PDM]. The examples have not been checked by
tools, so they might contain bugs.

There are a few points that are not (yet ?) in the official proposal
sent by Peter, but that could be included without too much
burden. [These points are concerned merely with the notation for
freely-generated datatype declarations, and that for comments and
annotations. --PDM]

Finally, my very personal comments about the all syntax will appear
in a separate message.

[Comments from others are welcome too, of course! --PDM]


[When I get time for it, I'll make an Examples document for browsing
individual specs on WWW.  Until then, please take care not to cite
more than necessary of this longish message when following-up. --PDM]

%% A few definition taken from the STEAM-BOILER case study (M. Bidoit and ali.)

    PumpNumber generated by Pump1 | Pump2 | Pump3 | Pump4;
%%    PumpState =  { Open | Closed }
    %% Currently we are missing a concise :-)) notation for free constructs
    %% Something like
    PumpState freely generated by Open | Close ;    %% NOT OFFICIAL
%% or    
   PumpState = { Open | Close } ;    %% NOT OFFICIAL
%% My understanding is that this should pose no problem for the verbose
%% style, but a syntax for the concise version is still to be found.
    %% Physical Units
    PhysicalUnit generated by
                  | PumpController(PumpNumber)
                  | OutputOfSteam
                  | WaterLevel;
    %% Operation Modes
    Modes generated by 
          Initialization | Normal | Degraded | Rescue | EmergencyStop

sorts S_Message generated by 
      | VALVE
      | OPEN_PUMP(PumpNumber)
      | CLOSE_PUMP(PumpNumber)
      | FAILURE_DETECTION(PhysicalUnit)

%% generic spec SET [sorts Item] =  %% We miss the singular form for "sorts"
    Set[Item] generated by empty
             | __+__(Set[Item], Item)
     __-__ : Set[Item]*Set[Item] -> Set[Item];   %% Set Difference
     card : Set[Item] -> Nat;                    %% Cardinal
     __dans__ : predicate(Item*Set[Item]);       %% Membership
     __inclus__ : predicate(Set[Item]*Set[Item]) ; %% Set Inclusion

%% In the following axioms, I use as few parentheses as possible, to see
%% if default precedence looks reasonable. In practice, we will probably add
%% parentheses for readability

      S1 = S2 iff forall x:Item . x dans S1 iff x dans S2 ;

      not x dans empty ;
      x dans (S + y) iff x = y or x dans S;
      x dans (S1 + S2) iff x dans S1 or x dans S2;
      x dans (S1 - S2) iff x dans S1 and not x dans S2;

      S1 inclus S2 iff forall x:Item . x dans S1 implies x dans S2;

      card(empty) = 0;
      x dans S implies card(S + x) = card(S);
      not x dans S implies card(S + x) = card(S) + 1 ;
  variables x,y:Item; S,S1,S2:Set[Item]

%% enrich conservatively NAMED_OBJECTS and NATURAL_NUMBERS by   %% NOT OFFICIAL
  sorts Collection generated by the_empty_collection
                  | __plus__(Collection, Object);
     __less_the_object_named__ : Collection*Name -> Collection ;
     the_size_of__ : Collection -> Nat ;
     __is_empty : predicate(Collection) ;
    C is_empty implies C less_the_object_named n = C;  

    n = the_name_of O implies
        C plus O less_the_object_named n = C less_the_object_named n;    
    not n = the_name_of O implies
        C plus O less_the_object_named n = 
                  C less_the_object_named n plus O;    

    the_size_of the_empty_collection = 0; 

    %% Prefix ops have higher precedence than infix.
    the_size_of (C plus O) = succ(the_size_of C); 
    the_empty_collection is_empty;  

    %% Postfix ops have higher precedence than infix.
    not (C plus O) is_empty ;
  variables n:Name; C:Collection; O:Object

%% This one deals mostly with struturing stuff, but show how operators
%% would appear in morphism ?? NOT OFFICIAL
      %% In the two following lines, the delimiters around operators will
      %% probably not be the double quotes
    LIST_WITH_ORDER[NATURAL] where (Elem => Nat, __<__ => __leq__)
and LIST_WITH_ORDER[NATURAL] where (Elem => Nat, __<__ => __geq__)
by asserts order[__geq__](l) = reverse(order[__leq__](l))
   variables l:List[Nat]

QUESTION: if we had to give explicitely the domain of the predicates, what
would be the syntax ?? Something like (__<__: predicate(Elem*Elem) => ...)
would not be very appealing.

%% two "datatype" with all generators included...
sorts Color generated by Blue | Red | Green ;
      List[Elem] generated by nil | cons(hd: Elem, tl: List[Elem]) ;

%% Another datatype but the list of generators is not yet fixed.
%% The datatype definition provides a first list of generators.
       Record > 
        %% a first generators with two selectors.
      <__.__>(First: E1, __.second: E2)
    | make_record(E1, E2) %% make_record has no associated selectors.
  %% Actually, these two axioms come from the above definition
  First(<v1.v2>) = v1;
  <v1 . v2>.second = v2;
variables v1: E1; v2: E2;

I know that Peter has other proposals about the use of notations like

[...but nobody else does yet!  So I might as well reveal it here: 
to allow the general use of `x.f' for applying unary functions f to
argument terms x.  When the function is a selector like
second:Record-?->E2, this gives the usual notation for selecting
fields of records, familiar from various programming languages.  It
also avoids the need for tokens like `.second' that mix SIGNS and
WORDS.  More formally, one needs only to add the alternative:
  Abstract       Concrete    Input      Display 
  APPLICATION    T  ::=      T.FS       T.FS
to the proposed grammar.  But I'm not fully convinced of the need for
this in CASL, it might be left to an extension if too controversial.

%% Several forms of subsort definitions:
sorts Positive, Zero < Natural ;
      Natural, Negative < Integer;
      PositiveAlt, NegativeAlt, ZeroAlt < IntegerAlt ;
      Zero generated by zero ;
      Positive generated by succ(pred: Nat) ;

%%  Datatype with two embeddings as constructors.
sorts Nat generated by sorts Zero | sorts Positive ;
%% Alternative
sorts Nat generated by sorts Zero, Positive ;
%% Subsort defined by a predicate.
sorts Odd = { n: Nat . odd(n) } 

%% Another definition of LIST with anonymous operations
generic spec LIST [sorts Elem] =
  sorts List[Elem] generated by
%% Will the following declarations be valid?
    | __ : Elem  %% Lists made of just one element
    | __ __ : Elem, List[Elem];  %% anonymous cons
%% We could imagine declaring the operators with (Peter's private suggestion)
    | (__ __)(Elem, List[Elem])
%% [and allowing the corresponding function declarations to be written
%% directly --PDM]
%% but the real problem is: do we accept terms like:
%% one element list: e
%% a with anonymous cons:  e1 e2 e3
%% If the declarations were not allowed we would have operation
    | single: Elem -> List;
    | add: Elem*List -> List;
    __is_empty: predicate(List[Elem]);
  empty is_empty;
  not single(e) is_empty ;
  not add(e, l) is_empty ;
  add(e, empty) = single(e) ;
variables e:Elem; l:List[Elem]

%% generic spec LIST_WITH_ORDER [sorts Elem;
%%                              operators __<__ : predicate(Elem*Elem)
%%                                %% assert usual axioms for <
%%                              ] =
    sorts List[Elem] generated by 
     | cons(hd: Elem, tl: List[Elem]);
       insert: Elem*List[Elem] -> List[Elem];
       order: List[Elem] -> List[Elem];
       order(nil) = nil;
       order(cons(x,l)) = insert(x,order(l));

       insert(x,nil) = cons(x,nil);
       x < y implies insert(x,cons(y,l)) = cons(x,cons(y,l));
       not x < y implies insert(x,cons(y,l)) = cons(y,insert(x,l));
    variables x,y:Elem; l:List[Elem]

sorts Odd' = { n: Nat . odd(n) } ;
  %% Actually the axioms are bogus since "pred" and "succ" are not defined !
  %% beware: and and or cannot be mixed freely.
  t in Odd' iff t = succ(zero) or
                 ( t > succ(succ(zero)) and pred(pred(t)) in Odd');
  pred(t) defined if t in Positive;
variables t: Nat

%%  enrich conservatively VALUES by
    C, M1, M2, N1, N2, W, U1, U2, P : Value;
    dt : Value ; %% Time duration between two cycles (5 sec.)
  %% These constants must verify some obvious properties
    0 < M1 ;
    M1 < N1 ;
    N1 < N2 ;
    N2 < M2 ;
    M2 < C ;
    0 < W ;
    0 < U1 ;
    0 < U2 ;
    0 < P ;
    dt = 5

%% That one comes from the specification of thew UNIX File system
%% spec PATH =
  sorts Path ;
      the_first_part_of__ : Path -?-> Path ; 
      the_last_name_of__ : Path -> Name;
      the_first_part_of p defined iff not p is_a_name;  
      not p is_a_name  implies
         the_first_part_of (n/p)  =!=  n / the_first_part_of p; 
      p is_a_name  implies the_first_part_of (n/p) = n; 
      the_last_name_of n = n; 
      the_last_name_of (n/p) = the_last_name_of p;
  variables n:Name; p:Path

%%generic spec SET[ELEM] =
sorts Set[Elem];
   empty: Set[Elem];
   add: Elem*Set[Elem] -> Set[Elem];
   the_empty_set : Set[Elem] ;
   is_empty : predicate(Set[Elem]);
   first: Set[Elem] -?-> Elem ;
   rest: Set[Elem] -?-> Set[Elem];
   the_empty_set = empty  ;
   first(add(x, s)) = x;
   rest(add(x, s)) = s;
   not is_empty(add(x, s));
   first(s) defined if not is_empty(s);
   rest(s) defined if not is_empty(s);
variables x: Elem; s: Set[Elem]

%% a third version of SET[ELEM] where axioms are interspersed among operations.
%% For Set membership and Set inclusions, we use syntactic forms with a Latex
%% meaning
%%generic spec SET[ELEM] =
sorts Set[Elem] generated by
     {}         %% NOT OFFICIAL
   | {__}(Elem) %% NOT OFFICIAL
   |  __+__(Set[Elem], Set[Elem])  ; %!Latex:$\cup$%!
%% The above latex "annotation" has a concise form since the source of the
%% mapping is known.
   is_empty__: predicate(Set[Elem]);
   choose: Set[Elem] -?-> Elem ;
%% usual axioms on Sets are omitted.   
   is_empty {};
   is_empty { x } ;

   %% Beware: prefix ops bind tightlier than infix.
   is_empty (S + S') iff is_empty S and is_empty S';
variables S, S': Set[Elem];
   __<__, __le__ : predicate(Set[Elem]*Set[Elem]) ;
%% "in" being a keyword, it is not a good idea to have an operator __in__
%% since its use would look like a in b, with a different meaning...
%%  __in__ : predicate(Elem*Set[Elem]);
   __is_in__ : predicate(Elem*Set[Elem]);

%% The correspondence between concrete and display syntax can be
%% given outside of the declaration. We cannot infer the source from the
%% location of the annotation so a more general synatx would exist to
%% define arbotrary associations.
%!ELatex:"__<__", "\subset"%!
%!ELatex:"__le__", "\subseteq$%!

   {} le S;
   { x } le S iff x is_in S;
   S + S' le S'' iff S le S'' and S' le S'';
   S < S' iff S le S' and not S = S';
variables x: Elem; S, S', S'': Set[Elem];
  not x is_in {} ;
  x is_in { y } iff x = y;
  x is_in (S + S') iff x is_in S or x is_in S';
  choose(S) defined iff not is_empty  S ;
  choose(S) defined implies choose(S) is_in S;
variables x: Elem; S, S': Set[Elem]

sorts Set[Elem] generated by
       {}            %% NOT OFFICIAL
     | {__}(Elem)    %% NOT OFFICIAL
     | __+__(Set[Elem], Set[Elem]) ;
   is_empty__ : predicate(Set[Elem]);
   __is_in__ : predicate(Elem*Set[Elem]); %% __in__ would be a bad idea
   __leq__, __<__ : predicate(Set[Elem]*Set[Elem])
   is_empty {} ;
   not is_empty { x } ;
   is_empty (S + S') iff is_empty S and is_empty S';

   %% The following, functional, notation is also allowed:
%%"is empty __"(S + S') <=> "is empty __"(S) /\ "is empty __"(S') ;
   (is_empty__)(S + S') iff (is_empty__)(S) and (is_empty__)(S') ;

   not x is_in {} ;
   x is_in { y } iff x = y ;
   x is_in (S + S') iff x is_in S or x is_in S';

   {} leq S;
   { x } leq S' iff x is_in S';
   (S + S') leq S'' iff  S leq S'' and S' leq S'';
   S < S' iff S leq S' and not S = S';
variables x: Elem; S, S', S'': Set[Elem]

Thanks to Peter for dectecting many typos in an earlier version and
suggesting alternatives. All remaining errors are mine !!

[Thanks to Frederic for doing all the hard work of transforming the
examples from the original proposal! --PDM]