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CoFI Task Groups, mailing lists

To all CoFI participants:

Please make sure that you are subscribed to all the relevant CoFI
mailing lists, as the related task groups will shortly be starting or
intensifying their work, on the basis of the tentative design of CASL,
the CoFI Algebraic Specification Language (the final draft of the
tentative design summary is already available).  These lists, which
are all moderated, are currently:

* cofi-language:     Specification language design

* cofi-tools:        Tool support

* cofi-methodology:  Methodological aspects

* cofi-semantics:    Semantics of specification constructs

* cofi-reactive:     Specification of reactive systems

Two further lists have been established, with more specialized topics:

* cofi-flexibility:  Support for flexibility and evolution.
  - messages on cofi-flexibility appear also on cofi-methodology.

* cofi-higher-order: Higher-order techniques
  - messages on cofi-higher-order appear also on cofi-language.

All the task groups welcome new active participants!  If you would
like to be involved in the study of one or more aspects of the
tentative design, simply send a message to the relevant list; the
moderator is generally the coordinator of a corresponding task group.

----   --------------------------------------------
\  /  | Peter D Mosses         <pdmosses@brics.dk> |
CoFI  | Common Framework Initiative  - Coordinator |
/  \  | WWW URL: http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI |
----   --------------------------------------------


It's very easy to subscribe - just send a message of the following

       To: majordomo@brics.dk
       Subject: anything          <----- The subject is ignored!

       subscribe list-name your-email-address
                                  <----- one line for each list-name

and you should promptly receive an automatic acknowledgment. The
moderator receives an automatic notification of your subscription.

N.B. If you have an automatic signature, either disable it when
sending mails to majordomo@brics.dk or let a line containing the sole
word `end' follow your commands.

To unsubscribe yourself from a particular list, include the command: 

          unsubscribe list-name your-email-address

In fact the only way of changing your subscribed address is to
unsubscribe the old address and then subscribe again with the new one
(put both commands in the same message, to make sure you don't miss
anything! :-)