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13th WADT - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS [+ CoFI Meeting Plans]

[Many CoFI participants will be attending ETAPS/WADT in Lisbon, and
meetings of the CoFI task groups on Language Design, Semantics, Tools,
and Reactive Systems will be held adjacent to (or perhaps even during)
WADT.  Further details will be announced on this mailing list as soon
as possible.  Don't delay with submitting a talk for WADT: the
remaining free slots will soon be gone!  --PDM]

                     13th WADT

     Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques

                 Lisbon, Portugal

                April  2 - 4, 1998



The algebraic approach to system specification and development,
born as a formal method for abstract data types, encompasses
today the formal design of integrated hardware and software
systems, new specification frameworks and programming
paradigms (such as object-oriented, logic and higher-order
functional programming)  and a wide range of application areas
(including information systems, concurrent and distributed

The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:
algebraic specifications; other approaches to formal specification;
specification languages and methods; term rewriting and proof
systems; specification development systems (concepts, tools, etc.).

The workshop will provide an opportunity to meet colleagues, to
present recent and ongoing work and to discuss new ideas and
future trends.

The workshop will be a satellite event of the European Joint
Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS), a new
annual meeting that will take place in Europe each spring in the
slot previously occupied by CAAP/ESOP/CC and TAPSOFT.
Special deals will be available for participants wishing to attend
WADT and other events of ETAPS. WADT has been scheduled
just after FoSSaCS (Foundations of Software Science and
Computation Structures) and FASE (Fundamental Approaches to
Software Engineering).  More information on ETAPS is available
at http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~llf/etaps98.

The scientific programme of the workshop will share with ETAPS
three keynote presentations by Randy Bryant (Carnegie Mellon
University, USA), Margaret Burnett (Oregon State University,
USA) and Gert Smolka (University of Saarbrücken, Germany). It
will also include about 20 to 30 short presentations of recent
results according to submitted abstracts.

As there is a limited number of slots for talks, notify us NOW if
you plan to attend by sending a message to fiadeiro@di.fc.ul.pt which
indicates whether or not you plan to give a talk and including a title and
abstract if possible! We will accept speakers essentially in the order of
arrival date of their submissions. (A corrective mechanism is organised in
order to guarantee visibility to as many sites as possible.)

A registration form is available at http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~llf/etaps98.

A 15% discount is available on Air Portugal for all ETAPS participants. You
should call your nearest Air Portugal office (http://www.tap.pt/en) to
benefit from this deal.

WADT Steering Committee: Michel Bidoit (ENS - Cachan, France),
Hans-Jörg Kreowski (chair) (Bremen, Germany), Peter Mosses
(Aarhus, Denmark), Fernando Orejas (Barcelona, Spain),
Francesco Parisi-Presicce (Rome, Italy), Donald Sannella
(Edinburgh, Scotland), Andrzej Tarlecki (Warsaw, Poland)

Location:  WADT'98 will be held in Lisbon, Portugal. The chosen
venue is the Gulbenkian Foundation, situated in the middle of
landscaped gardens, next to a museum with Calouste
Gulbenkian's private art collection, a modern art museum, a
library, a concert hall and galleries with art exhibitions. In 1998,
Lisbon will also host the celebrations of the 5th centenary of
Vasco da Gama's arrival in India. A world exhibition (EXPO'98)
will be held on the theme "The oceans: a heritage for the future".
Although the official starting date of the exhibition is in May,
several cultural events have been programmed for the months

Organising chair:
        José Fiadeiro
        Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences,
        University of Lisbon
        Campo Grande, 1700 Lisboa, Portugal
        phone: 351-1-7500087; fax: 351-1-7500084;
        e-mail: fiadeiro@di.fc.ul.pt

Department of Informatics
Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisbon
Campo Grande
1700 Lisboa

tel: 351-1-7500087 (direct line: 7500123)
fax: 351-1-7500084