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CoFI Methodology Task Group Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

Those of you who have been following recent messages on the
cofi-language@brics.aau.dk mailing list will have seen that the CoFI
language design task group is converging on a tentative language
design.  See
for version 0.93.  When this is complete the other task groups are
supposed to spring into action.  

As shown by the experience gained during the preliminary language design,
methodology play a central role in the CoFI project (a lot of discussions
related to langage design issues were merely discussions on methodology

It is therefore especially important that the Methodology Task Group starts
to become much more active and productive (now that people will be less
preempted by Language Design).

There is therefore a tentative plan to have a meeting of the Methodology
Task Group in Edinburgh either the 10th or the 11th November (see a
previous general announcement).

Could you please tell me *** ASAP *** (that is, right now !!!) whether you
will be able to attend such a meeting. If so, what would be your time
constraint for these two days ?

Best regards,
Michel Bidoit