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subsorting relation

Dear Semanticsists,

At the beginning of Section 3.1 of the Summary it is written: 

A subsorted signature \Sigma = (S, TF, PF, P, \leq_S) consists of 
a many-sorted signature (S, TF, PF, P) together with a pre-order 
\leq_S of subsort embedding on the set S of sorts. 

>From this, it follows that we have a pre-order \leq_T if we have a 
signature (T, TF, PF, P). At the same time, in the Semantics the 
subscript S has no relation to the actual name of the set of sorts (it 
just stands for Sorts). I discussed the problem with Don (he is here 
in Novosibirsk at the moment) and the proposition is to remove the 
subsctipt to avoid the ambiguity.

What do you think of this?



Alexandre Zamulin                    phone: +7 3832 396258
Institute of Informatics Systems     fax:   +7 3832 323494
Siberian Division of RAS             e-mail: zam@iis.nsk.su
Lavrentieva av. 6
Novosibirsk 630090