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New note on institution independence

Dear friends,

the new study note

    Till Mossakowski. 
       Specifications in an arbitrary institution with symbols. 
       Note S-10 (supersedes Note S-8), November 1999. 


has just been installed.


We develop a notion of institution with symbols
and a kernel language for writing 
structured specifications in CASL. This kernel language
has a semantics in an arbitrary but fixed institution
with symbols. Compared with other institution-independent
kernel languages, the advantage is that translations,
hidings etc.\ can be written in a symbol-oriented way
(rather than being based on signature morphisms as
primitive notion), while still being institution-independent.
The semantics of the kernel language has been used as 
the basis for the semantics of structured specifications in CASL.


[[AT: Yes, the above note covers only structured specifications at the
moment. The part concerning architectural specifications, which
require some further extension of the notion of institution to deal
with the issues of sharing is yet to be written -- by me. My apologies
for the delay, I hope this should happen in a not too distant future.

Best reagrds,
