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FM-TOOLS 2000 : Call for Participation

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                         CALL FOR PARTICIPATION :

                          The 4th Workshop on
                Tools for System Design and Verification

                Reisensburg Castle near Ulm, Germany
                Monday 10 July - Thursday 13 July 2000

The 4th workship on Tools for System Design and Verification (FM-TOOLs 2000)
will take place at the `Reisensburg', a beautiful castle near Ulm in 
South Germany from  Monday 10 July - Thursday 13 July 2000. We will
have 30 presentations, ranging from tool support for specification
languages, automated test generation, model checking and 
interactive verification. To register, please fill the registration
form at the end of this mail and send it to


Rooms at the Reisensburg are limited, and allocated on a first-come
first-serve basis. The room rates given in the form refer to
the Reisensburg only. Additional rooms are available in Guenzburg,
a small town close to the Reisensburg. Travel information
can be found on our WWW page

               *  http://www.informatik.uni-ulm.de/pm/fmtools  *


Monday, July 10

  13.45 - 14.00
                Workshop Opening

  Session 1 (Timed automata)

  14.00 - 14.30
                Heinz Treseler, Stefan Kowalewski
                An open software architecture for the 
                verification of industrial controllers
  14.30 - 15.00
                Timo Aaltonnen, Mika Katara, Risto Pitkänen
                DISCO Toolset - The New Generation
  15.00 - 15.30
                Jürgen Ruf
                RAVEN: Real-Time Analyzing and Verification Environment
  15.30 - 16.00

  Session 2 (Interactive Verification I)
  16.30 - 17.00
                W.Reif, J. Ruf, G. Schellhorn, T. Vollmer
                Do you trust your model checker?
  16.00 - 16.30
                Werner Stephan, Georg Rock, Andreas Nonnengart
                Modelling Realtime in VSE II
  17.00 - 17.30
                J. Meyer, A. Poetzsch-Heffter
                Strategies for the Verification of Object-oriented Programs

Tuesday, July 11

  Session 1 (Techniques for Specific Data Structures)
  09.00 - 09.30
                Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise
                A Practical Extension Mechanism for Decision Procedures
  09.30 - 10.00
                Rudolf Berghammer, Thorsten Hoffmann
                Modeling Sequences within the RELVIEW System
  10.00 - 10.30

  Session 2 (Automatic Testing and Reverse Engineering)
  10.30 - 11.00
                Markus Dahlweid, Oliver Meyer, Jan Peleska
                Automated Testing with RT-Tester - 
                Theoretical Issues Driven by Practical Needs
  11.00 - 11.30
                Lydie Du Bousquet, Hugues Martin
                Automatic test generation for Java-Card applets
  11.30 - 12.00
                Nikolai Mansurov, Djenana Campara, Elena Laskavaya, Igor Ivanov
                Formal data mining and visualization at procedure level
  12.00 - 14.00

  Session 3 (Invited Talk)
  14.00 - 15.00
                Invited Talk
  15.00 - 15.30

  Session 4 (Specification Languages)
  15.30 - 16.00
                Mark Utting
                Data Structures for Z Testing Tools
  16.00 - 16.30
                Christine Choppy, Pascal Poizat, Jean-Claude Royer
                The Korrigan Environment
  16.30 - 17.00
                Jan Rothe, Hendrik Tews, Bart Jacobs
                The Coalgebraic Class Specification Language CCSL

Wednesday, July 12

  Session 1 (Program generation)
  09.00 - 09.30
                Frank Derichsweiler, Wolfram Kahl
                Program Generation via Declarative Term Graph Attribution
  09.30 - 10.00
                John Crossley, Iman Poernomo
                Fred: An approach to generating real, correct, 
                      reusable programs from proofs
  10.00 - 10.30

  Session 2 (Abstraction Techniques)
  10.30 - 11.00
                Hui Shi
                Java2CSP: A System for Verifying Concurrent Java Programs
  11.00 - 11.30
                K. Baukus, Y. Lakhnech, K. Stahl
                Using PAX to Verify Parameterized Networks
  11.30 - 12.00
                Dominique Cansell, Dominique Mery, Stephan Merz
                Verifying Reactive Systems Using Predicate Diagrams
  12.00 - 14.00

  Session 3 (Model Checking)
  14.00 - 14.30
                Christoph Meinel, Christian Stangier
                Accelerating Techniques for OBDD-based 
                Formal Verification of Sequential Systems
  14.30 - 15.00
                Martin Leucker
                Parallel Model Checking for the Alternation-Free mu-Calculus
  15.00 - 15.30
                G. KwonK
                Model Checking Statecharts with Keeping Hierarchies
  15.30 - 16.00

  Session 4 (Interactive Verification II)
  16.00 - 16.30
                Wolfgang Goerigk
                Reflections on Ken Thompson's 'Reflections on Trusting Trust'
  16.30 - 17.00
                Rimvydas Ruksenas
                Refinement Tool in the Synthesis of Asynchronous Circuits
  17.00 - 17.30
                Thomas Kaiser, Bernd Fischer, Werner Struckmann
                MOPS: Verifying Modula-2 programs specified in VDM-SL

Thursday, July 13

  Session 1 (UML)
  09.00 - 09.30
                Nasreddine Aoumeur, Gunter Saake
                A Sound Integration of Some UML Structural and Behavioural Diagrams Using Rewriting Logic
  09.30 - 10.00
                Wolfgang Ahrendt, Thomas Baar, Bernhard Beckert, 
                Martin Giese, Elmar Habermalz, Reiner Hähnle, Wolfram Menzel, Peter H. Schmitt
                The KeY Approach: Integrating Object-oriented Design and Formal Verification
  10.00 - 10.30

  Session 2 (Various Topics)
  10.30 - 11.00
                R. Castelló, R. Mili, I.G. Tollis, V. Benson
                On the Automatic Visualization of Statecharts: The ViSta tool
  11.00 - 11.30
                Reinhard Budde, Axel Poigné, Karl-Heinz Sylla
                Synchronous Object-Oriented Programming: sE2.0
  11.30 - 12.00
                Harald Sack, Christoph Meinel
                Functional Extension of Decision Diagrams in Practice

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%   (Monday July 10 - Thursday July 13)				%
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%   Personal Information					%
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%   Affiliation:   _________________________________________	%
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%   Phone number:  _________________________________________	%
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%   Fax number:    _________________________________________	%
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%   Email: _________________________________________________	%
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%   Options (Accomodation, Fees etc.)				%
%								%
%           Conference Fee					%
%           (incl. technical report)		    70 DM	%
%								%
%           Accomodation at the Reisensburg	       	        %
%     	    (from Dinner on July 10                             %
%            until Breakfast on July 13)	   459 DM	%
%                                                               %
%								%
%   (   )   Early arrival: room + Breakfast	  	        %
%           (from July 9 to July 10)		   112 DM	%
%								%
%   (   )   Additional Lunch on July 10             27 DM	%
%								%
%   (   )   Additional Lunch on July 13		    27 DM	%
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%						----------	%
%                                 Total Amount			%
%						==========      %
%								%
% Payment at the workshop. Conference fee cash, accommodation	%
% cash, by eurocheque, VISA or EUROCARD       			%
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%  Questions/Comments/Special Needs				%
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