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CFP: Foundations of Computer Security Workshop (FCS'02)

[Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement]

		  Foundations of Computer Security - FCS'02
		     (affiliated with LICS at FLoC 2002)

		      July 26, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark



Computer security is an established field of Computer Science of both
theoretical and practical significance.  In recent years, there has
been increasing interest in logic-based foundations for various
methods in computer security, including the formal specification,
analysis and design of cryptographic protocols and their applications,
the formal definition of various aspects of security such as access
control mechanisms, mobile code security and denial-of-service
attacks, and the modeling of information flow and its application to
confidentiality policies, system composition, and covert channel

The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for continued activity
in this area, to bring computer security researchers in contact with
the FLoC community, and to give FLoC attendees an opportunity to talk
to experts in computer security.

Given the affinity of themes, FCS is synchronized with the FLoC'02
Verification Workshop (VERIFY).  Sessions with a likely overlap in
audience will be held jointly.  Moreover, authors who think that their
paper is of interest for both FCS and VERIFY can indicate that it
should be considered a joint submission, and it will be reviewed by
members of both program committees.


We are interested both in new results in theories of computer security
and also in more exploratory presentations that examine open questions
and raise fundamental concerns about existing theories.  Possible
topics include, but are not limited to:

 Formal specification                 cryptographic protocols and
 Foundations of verification          confidentiality and authentication 
 Logic-based design                   integrity and privacy
 Information flow analysis            availability and denial of service
 Security models               for    security policies
 Language-based security              covert channels
 Static analysis                      mobile code
 Composition issues                   intrusion detection
 Statistical methods                  malicious code confinement


See web page at http://floc02.diku.dk/FCS/


 I. Cervesato (ITT Industries, USA - Chair)
 V. Cortier (ENS Cachan, France)
 G. Denker (SRI International, USA)
 C. Gunter (U Pennsylvania, USA)
 A. Jeffrey (DePaul U, USA)
 S. Jha (U Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
 T. Jim (AT&T Labs, USA)
 H. Mantel (DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany)
 C. Meadows (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
 F. Nielson (Techn. U of Denmark)
 B. Pfitzmann (IBM Zuerich, Switzerland)
 D. Sands (Chamlers U of Techn., Sweden)
 S. Weeks (InterTrust, USA)


Mon April 22, 2002 - paper submission
Fri May 31, 2002 - author notification
Fri June 28, 2002 - final papers due

