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                       CALL FOR PAPERS: FM-TOOLS 2002

        The 5th Workshop on Tools for System Design and Verification

                    Reisensburg Castle, Guenzburg, Germany
                   Monday 15.7.2002 - Wednesday 17.7.2002


There is a growing awareness that tool support is needed to develop
high-assurance industry-size software/hardware systems. The aim of this
workshop is to provide a forum for researchers interested in the use and
development of tools which support the use of mathematical techniques for
the specification, development, analysis and verification of systems. This
workshop will be the fifth in a series of biennial events devoted to this
topic. The first four workshops were held in in Kiel (1994), Bremen (1996),
Malente (1998) and Reisensburg Castle (2000), Germany. This year the
workshop will again take place at the `Reisensburg', a beautiful castle at
Guenzburg between Ulm and Augsburg in South Germany.


All topics which are relevant for developers or users of tools that support
formal modeling and verification of hardware/software systems, in

   * Support for specification languages
   * Interactive and automated verification
   * System analysis and validation
   * Applications and case studies in various application domains
   * Comparison of tools
   * Combination of tools and techniques (e.g. formal vs. semiformal,
     software specification vs. engineering techniques)
   * Customizing tools for particular applications
   * New challenges


Authors are invited to submit an abstract not exceeding 5 pages (ongoing
research is welcome as well). The submission, in the form of a postscript
file, should be mailed to


by May 20th, 2002. A limited number of abstracts will be selected for
presentation at the workshop. Authors are invited to submit full papers
after the workshop. These will be subject to a formal refereeing process by
the program committee. The selected papers will be published as a special
issue of the Journal of Universal Computer Science by Springer Verlag.


                      Deadline for abstracts:  20. May 2002
   Notification of acceptance for presentation:02. June 2002
                                  Conference:  15. July - 17. July 2002
                                     Arrival:  14. July or 15. July 2002


                   R. Berghammer(Univ. Kiel, Germany)
                   W. Reif      (Univ. Augsburg, Germany)


          D. Basin      (Univ. Freiburg, Germany)
          R. Berghammer (Univ. Kiel, Germany)
          D. Smith      (Kestrel Inst., Palo Alto, USA)
          J. Harrison   (Intel, Hillsboro, USA) (To be confirmed.)
          J. Hoomann    (Univ. Nijmegen, NL) (To be confirmed.)
          Y. Lakhnech   (VERIMAG, Grenoble, FR)
          R. Mili       (Univ. Texas, Dallas, USA)
          T. Nipkow     (TU Muenchen, Germany)
          W. Reif       (Univ. Augsburg, Germany)
          M. Wirsing    (Univ. Muenchen, Germany)


            Wolfgang Reif
            Gerhard Schellhorn
            Dominik Haneberg

            Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen
            Institut fuer Informatik
            Universitaet Augsburg
            D-86135 Augsburg
            Tel. ++49-821 598 2124

            Rudolf Berghammer
            Rechnergestuetzte Programmentwicklung
            Institut fuer Informatik und Praktische Mathematik
            Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel
            Olshausenstrasse 40
            D-24098 Kiel
            Tel. ++49-431 880-72 72


	Further information will be put on the workshop Web-page 