Bibliography of CoFI Language Design Notes

January 28, 2001

This document is available by FTP in various formats. It was converted to HTML using Hyperlatex 2.5.


This bibliography simply lists the entries in the file cofibib.bib concerning Language Design Notes. The order of listing is determined by the labels. The earlier Study Notes on Language Design, prior to the Tentative Design of CASL, are listed separately.

The documents are available in various formats from the CoFI WWW and FTP archives.


Don Sannella.
Variables in basic specifications: Overloading and overriding.
Note L-1, in [13], March 1997.
Anne Haxthausen, Bernd Krieg-Brückner, and Till Mossakowski.
Extending CASL with higher-order functions.
Note L-2 (superceded by Note L-10), in [13], April 1997.
Maura Cerioli and Gianna Reggio.
Generic specifications in CASL: An alternative proposal.
Note L-3, in [13], May 1997.
Anne Haxthausen and Maura Cerioli.
The role of subsorts in subsort declarations and datatype declarations.
Note L-4, in [13], May 1997.
Hubert Baumeister.
On the definedness of instantiation of generics.
Note L-5, in [13], May 1997.
Didier Bert.
Introduction of morphisms as first class citizens in CASL.
Note L-6, in [13], July 1997.
Till Mossakowski.
Sublanguages of CASL.
Note L-7, in [13], December 1997.
Anne Haxthausen, Bernd Krieg-Brückner, and Till Mossakowski.
Extending CASL with higher-order functions -- design proposal.
Note L-8 (see also Note L-10), in [13], January 1998.
Till Mossakowski.
Two "functional programming" sublanguages of CASL.
Note L-9, in [13], March 1998.
Anne Haxthausen, Bernd Krieg-Brückner, and Till Mossakowski.
Subsorted partial higher-order logic as an extension of CASL.
Note L-10, in [13], October 1998.
Markus Roggenbach and Till Mossakowski.
Proposal of some annotations and literal syntax in CASL.
Note L-11, in [13], March 1999.
Markus Roggenbach and Till Mossakowski.
Basic datatypes in CASL.
Note L-12, version 0.4.1, in [13], May 2000.
The Common Framework Initiative for algebraic specification and development, electronic archives.
Notes and Documents accessible from

CoFI Note: L -- Version:  -- January 28, 2001.
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