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Parts I-IV and Appendix C below are identical to the corresponding parts of version 0.95 of the Language Summary with the exception of comments of the following form:

[contributor] question or doubt (suggested resolution, if any)
Discharged: how the worry will be discharged in version 0.96
For example:
[DTS] Is n=0 allowed? Then T might be empty. (Not allowed)
Discharged: Disallow n=0.

As in the Language Summary, Part I deals with basic specifications--first many-sorted, then subsorted; Part II provides structured specifications; Part III summarizes so-called architectural specifications, which, in contrast to the foregoing specifications, prescribe the separate development of composable, reusable implementation units; and finally Part IV considers libraries of definitions. For each kind of specification, the main underlying semantic concepts are summarized, then the abstract syntax of the language constructs is given and its semantics is described informally.

An Appendix provides a complete grammar for the abstract syntax of the language. This is included unaltered for convenient reference.

Appendix B of the Language Summary (Bibliography) is not included here.

Another Appendix lists some proposed changes (additions) to the tentative design.

The (rudimentary) Index may facilitate locating the places where terminology is explained.

CoFI Note: S-1 --Version 1.3-- 25 April 1997.
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