Specifications in an arbitrary institution with symbols

Till Mossakowski

23 Nov 1999

This document is available by FTP in various formats. It was converted to HTML using Hyperlatex 2.3.


We develop a notion of institution with symbols and a kernel language for writing structured specifications in CASL. This kernel language has a semantics in an arbitrary but fixed institution with symbols. Compared with other institution-independent kernel languages, the advantage is that translations, hidings etc. can be written in a symbol-oriented way (rather than being based on signature morphisms as primitive notion), while still being institution-independent. The semantics of the kernel language has been used as the basis for the semantics of structured specifications in CASL.

The rest of this document has not yet been converted to HTML; please refer to the FTP directory for the full document.

CoFI Note: S-10 -- Version: v1.0 -- 23 Nov 1999.
Comments to till@informatik.uni-bremen.de