Go backward to 3.1 CASL Equational Specifications
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Go forward to 3.3 Translation from CASL to ELAN

3.2 ELAN Equational Specifications

An ELAN equatiomal specification is given by a many-sorted conditional Term Rewrite System.

Definition. Let Sigma be a many-sorted first-order signature, such that SigmaS contains the sort bool and SigmaP is empty. Let X be a set of sorted variables, where sorts are taken from SigmaS. The set of ELAN boolean expressions EBE(Sigma,X) is the set smallest set such that:

The set of ELAN formulas EF(Sigma,X) is the smallest set such that:

An ELAN equational specification is given by a tuple (Sigma, V, EF) where V is a finite subset of X and EF is a finite subset of EF(Sigma,V).

Using the ELAN concrete syntax, an ELAN equational specification has to be defined as follows.

Example. (ELAN equational specification skeleton).
module Module

sort {s}(s  $e$  SigmaS) 

operators global 
{f}(f  $e$  SigmaF) 

rules for sort(phi)
{v}(v  $e$  V)
[] phi end
}(phi  $e$  EF) 

end // of module

On can remark that rules are grouped according to their sorts. Moreover, variables are local to a group of rules. This explains why we distribute the set of variables V involved in the terms of the TRS to each group of rules.

This program is a very restrictive form of ELAN programs, where we have

CoFI Note: T-9 -- Version: 1 -- November 10, 2000.
Comments to FirstName.LastName@loria.fr

Go backward to 3.1 CASL Equational Specifications
Go up to 3 Mapping from CASL to ELAN
Go forward to 3.3 Translation from CASL to ELAN