[uDraw(Graph)-Users] uDrawGraph-3.1.1-0-win32-console

Mattias Werner mawe at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Thu Jan 12 10:54:34 CET 2006

Hello Jeff,

Richardson, Jeffrey @ Link wrote:
> I installed the uDrawGraph-3.1.1-0-win32-console application so I could 
> experiment with sending API command under windows.  I copied the tk dlls 
> to the WINNT/system32 directory, and the application ran, but I am 
> unable to type into the console window. 
> Any suggestions?

first, there is no need to copy the DLLs if you run the binary from the
$UDG_HOME/bin directory.

You will only be able to type into the console window, if you start
the binary with the -pipe option. This can be done by starting the
terminal window first, change directory to $UDG_HOME/bin and than
start uDraw(Graph) by typing "uDrawGraph-3.1.1-0-win32-console -pipe",
you should than see the ok prompt.

If you want to double click it, you could for example create a shortcut
to the binary, change properties of the shortcut and add -pipe at the
end of Target: . Again you should see the ok prompt.

Mattias Werner
uDraw(Graph) project

		Dipl. Inform. Mattias Werner
		Bremen University, FB 3
		E-Mail: mawe at informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE
		WWW:	http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~mawe/

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