[uDraw(Graph)-Users] uDraw -- is there a way to suspend updates?

Mattias Werner mawe at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Wed May 7 08:22:29 CEST 2008


Stuart Stanley schrieb:
> I have a simulation I am writing that adds a bunch of graph nodes at 
> startup time and then shifts to an intermittent add/delete/change model. 
> Is there a way to tell the front-end via the API to suspend updates to 
> the actual display and then recalculate the graph when I am done with 
> the bulk adds? I suspect this would (dramatically) speed up my 
> sim-startup without me having to write a bunch of code to aggregate all 
> the startup messages and then somehow not aggregate them when in update 
> mode. I.E., I want to be lazy ;).

unfortunately you can't suspend updates in uDraw(Graph), each API command
is executed immediately. No chance to be lazy in this part of your code. ;-)

Mattias Werner
uDraw(Graph) project

		Dipl. Inform. Mattias Werner
		Bremen University, FB 3
		E-Mail: mawe at informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE
		WWW:	http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~mawe/

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