[uDraw(Graph)-Users] Performance issues and scaling enhancement request

Mattias Werner mawe at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Fri Oct 24 10:41:53 CEST 2008


Debjyoti Paul schrieb:
> I just started using uDraw for graph viewing and find it useful. It has

thank you.

> 1. Runtime: Loading even small graphs takes 20-30 seconds. This is on a
> 3.0 Ghz Pentium running Redhat EE4. The CPU is not loaded (as seen using
> 'top' ). Larger graphs take much longer. Is there a way to speedup up

This must be a problem on your machine. On my machine here, which is a
Pentium 4 3.0GHz with openSuSE 10.3, your example graph loads immediately
from command line and from the API.

I've written two API commands in a file to show you:

Running this with the time command:
-> time uDrawGraph -pipe <eco_cover_reduced_g.api

real    0m0.704s
user    0m0.268s
sys     0m0.032s

Even if I replace open_graph above with open_graph_placed:
-> time uDrawGraph -pipe <eco_cover_reduced_g_placed.api

real    0m0.758s
user    0m0.296s
sys     0m0.044s

runtime doesn't change significantly.

If you start uDraw(Graph) without a graph, does it start immediately?
If you load a graph from the menu ist it slow or fast?
What happens, if you load it via API as I did above? Which times does
the time command show?

> this ? If this is due to optimizing of the layout, can this be switched
> off ? If this is due to TCL interpretation of the graph file, can this
> be done in C/C++ for faster runtime and leave the graphics/non-runtime
> intensive parts to TCL ?

Only the user interface of uDraw(Graph) is written in Tcl, everything else
is written in a functional programming language that compiles to C.

> 2. The scaling feature is nice expect that the labels and other text are
> not scaled. It would be very useful if text was visible at different
> scalings. It is ok if scaling is not continuous from 1-100 and does
> jumps of 10's. Like 100%/90%/80% etc.

This was a design decision several years ago, which can't be changed easily,
I am sorry. If you need smaller text, you could use smaller fonts but
that is not the same as scaling, I know.

Mattias Werner
uDraw(Graph) project

		Dipl. Inform. Mattias Werner
		Bremen University, FB 3
		E-Mail: mawe at informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE
		WWW:	http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~mawe/

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