[uDraw(Graph)-Users] udg2jpg

Mattias Werner mawe at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Tue Apr 27 09:49:27 CEST 2010


Am 26.04.2010 19:58, schrieb PF:
> Is there an executable to export from udg to jpg the whole graph?
> Something line: udg2jpg?

we don't know such a tool and obviously the tool would be uDraw(Graph)
itself, because the .udg file contains no layout informations. Therefore
uDraw(Graph) has to create a layout before a jpg could be created.

So one solution would be to use the API of uDraw(Graph). The necessary
commands can be found in the attachment. Please replace the "$UDG_HOME"
by the real path to the uDraw(Graph) directory.

If you than start
  uDrawGraph -init remote-uDraw.txt
you will afterwards find a file called remote-uDraw.jpg in your current
working directory.

Mattias Werner
uDraw(Graph) project

		Dipl. Inform. Mattias Werner
		Bremen University, FB 3
		E-Mail: mawe at informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE
		WWW:	http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~mawe/
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