Universitaet Bremen
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->Main->General Information->Installation on Windows
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Installation on Windows

Installation on Microsoft® Windows®

Installation Overview
1. Get a uDraw(Graph) distribution.
2. Install distribution.
3. Start uDraw(Graph)

Installation in detail:

1. Get a uDraw(Graph) distribution.

You can always download the newest uDraw(Graph) distribution from http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/uDrawGraph/en/download/. Choose one of the distributions which are named uDrawGraph-VERSION-win32-LANGUAGE.exe. VERSION is the version number of the release. LANGUAGE is "en" for an English installation or "de" for a German installation.

Additional informations can be found in the README file, that is also contained in every distribution.

2. Install Distribution

Just double click on the distribution file to start installation. The installer will ask you to accept the license for using uDraw(Graph). Please read the terms of the agreement carefully and confirm acceptance of the license. Then follow the instructions. Just pressing "Next" is always a safe choice. The installer will create a start menu for uDraw(Graph) by default.

3. Start uDraw(Graph)