Universitaet Bremen
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User Interface

Revised User Interface, Configuration and Internationalization

This page covers new features and modifications in version 3.0, compared to the previous release V2.1.

  • Revised User Interface
    Experienced users of previous releases will enjoy the fresh new layout. All dialog windows have been streamlined to be more compact and handy, especially the graph editor windows have been improved significantly. Dialogs for new features like export, splines or tooltips (see below) have been added. The keyboard control for dialog windows has been removed in version 3.0.
  • Fully configurable User Interface
    The appearance of the uDraw(Graph) user interface can now be controlled in any aspect by an application program. To do so, the application has to send commands of the user interface category to the API at start-up time. This way, the application can hide the pull down menus, the icon bar and/or the footer area of the base window, so windows with nothing more than the graph area are now possible. Furthermore, the application can build the complete structure of menus and icons on its own by mixing given system menu/icon entries and additional application specific menu/icon entries in any combination. Details are described in the API reference.
  • Internationalization
    The user interface now supports different languages. The current language can be set with the environment variable $UDG_LANG. Supported values are "C" (English, default) and "de" (German). Other languages can be added by the user on demand by defining translations in file lib/uDrawGraph/uDrawGraph_XX.lang (where XX is the name of the language set by environment variable UDG_LANG). Refer to chapter internationalization for details about defining your own locales.

Next: New Rendering Engine.