Universitaet Bremen
FB3->Group BKB

->Main->New Features->Misc
Service & Support


Miscellaneous Goodies

This page covers new features and modifications in version 3.0, compared to the previous release V2.1.

  • Moving the Visible Area directly in Survey Views
    In survey views, the blue rectangle with the visible area of the corresponding detail view can be moved directly with the mouse.
  • Edge Navigation
    When an edge is selected, navigation to the parent or child node of the edge is now possible with menu Navigation.
  • Scrolling with Keys
    In a base windows, it is now possible to scroll pagewise in vertical direction by using the PageUp and PageDown keys which are usually located above the cursor keys.
  • Converter for GML Graph Format
    A new command-line tool gml2udg it available to convert a graph from the standard GML format to the uDraw(Graph) term representation format.

Next: Removed Features and Important Modifications.