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Real World Graph Examples in uDraw(Graph)

It is most likely that you are working with graphs every day, even if you don't know them by this name. A graph is a net-like structure. Having a clear graph visualization - automatically generated by uDraw(Graph) - is the precondition to understand large structures easily.

Here we presents selected applications of graph visualization to demonstrate the substantial value of uDraw(Graph) for various businesses.

Project Management: Goal/Question/Metric Method (GQM)
uDraw(Graph) GQM (more information) is a popular approach for project management to select metrics in order to analyse, classify and predict different aspects in a development process. At the top of a GQM graph is a business goal followed by questions on subsequent levels that can be answered by certain metrics at the bottom of the graph.
See this graph in full scale.
Download graph for uDraw(Graph).

Risk Evaluation: Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
uDraw(Graph) Fault tree analysis (more information) is used in engineering to evaluate and graphically represent interactions of failures, human errors and other factors within a technical system. A fault tree starts with a high-level event (error, risk, etc.), followed by associated elements in the system that could cause that top event to occur.
See graph in full scale.
Download graph for uDraw(Graph) (for this graph, please save the icons fta_and.gif and fta_or.gif in the "icons" directory of your local uDraw(Graph) installation).

Corporate Planning: Business Goal Trees
uDraw(Graph) Business goal trees (more information) describe translations of primary goals into sub-goals and metrics. The abstract primary goals are broken down into more manageable sub-goals, until directly quantifiable goals are reached. After having verified the consistency of the tree, business operations are derived from these bottom goals with the help of questions.
See this graph in full scale.
Download graph for uDraw(Graph).

Software Development: Control Flow Graphs
uDraw(Graph) To recognize the complex structure of a program, software engineers are used to visualize the program's control flow graph (more information). For simplification, the numbers in the nodes of a control flow graph are usually lines (or marks) in the source code of the corresponding program. The edges (connections) between the nodes represent all the branches, loops and jumps in the program, or in other words the possible flow of control. Of course, visualizing such graphs without an automatic tool like uDraw(Graph) is a cumbersome and expensive piece of work. With a control flow graph, it is easy to calculate a metric in order to compare the complexity of different programs, for example cyclomatic complexity (more information) where the number of nodes and edges of a control flow graph is considered.
See this graph in full scale.
Download graph for uDraw(Graph).