{title}Tip Flashing{/title} {author}jp{/author} {default}crash_flashing.html{/default} {text}

Left/Right and Emergency Flashing

This test generation is a user-defined test illustrating aspects of Crash Flashing as modeled by interacting state machines IMR.SystemUnderTest.CrashFlashing.CtrlCrashFlashing, IMR.SystemUnderTest.CrashFlashing.SendCrashBits in the turn indicator model. Occurrence of a crash is modeled by a 0 -> 1 change of the Boolean input in_CrashEvent. (In the hardware-in-the-loop test environment this event switches on a simulation of the vehicle's crash impact sensor signalling the occurrence of a crash to other automotive controllers that should react on crash situations.) The SUT shall react by

The test purpose considered in the present test generation is to check that the proper reactions on a crash event occur and that the emergency indications can be switched off by means of the emergency flash switch. The generated test can be visualized in the signal flow viewer