RevLib is an online resource for benchmarks within the domain of reversible and quantum circuit design

Universität Bremen References Cite RevLib Acknowledgements About RevLib

We are indebted to the following people for providing tools and/or support, which significantly helped us developing RevKit:

Aaron Lye For his help in maintaining the toolkit.
D. Michael Miller For his help in implementing the adding lines optimization method and many useful comments.
Eleonora Schönborn and Bastian Blachetta For their help in implementing the RevLib simulation file format.
Fabio Somenzi Author of the BDD-Package CUDD, which is used by RevKit
Wolfgang Günther Author of a parser for CUDD, which is used by RevKit
Niklas Een and Niklas Sörensson Authors of the SAT solver MiniSAT, which is used by RevKit
Andreas Hett, Harry Hengster, and Bernd Becker Co-authors of the OKFDD-Package PUMA, which is used by RevKit
Lisa Jungmann For the design of this webpage.
