Aaron Lye |
For his help in maintaining the toolkit.
D. Michael Miller |
For his help in implementing the adding lines optimization method and many useful comments.
Eleonora Schönborn and Bastian Blachetta |
For their help in implementing the RevLib simulation file format.
Fabio Somenzi |
Author of the BDD-Package CUDD, which is used by RevKit
Wolfgang Günther |
Author of a parser for CUDD, which is used by RevKit
Niklas Een and Niklas Sörensson |
Authors of the SAT solver MiniSAT, which is used by RevKit
Andreas Hett, Harry Hengster, and Bernd Becker |
Co-authors of the OKFDD-Package PUMA, which is used by RevKit
Lisa Jungmann |
For the design of this webpage.