Cognitive Tutoring in Mathematics based on Assertion Level Reasoning and Proof Strategies (Extended Abstract)
  author        = {Serge Autexier and Dominik Dietrich and Marvin Schiller},
  editor        = {Pedro Quaresma and Ralph-Johan Back},
  booktitle     = {THedu'11, CTP Components for Educational Software, Workshop associated to CADE-23},
  title         = {Cognitive Tutoring in Mathematics based on Assertion Level Reasoning and Proof Strategies (Extended Abstract)},
  number        = {2011/001},
  series        = {CISUC Technical Report},
  organization  = {Center for Informatics and Systems, University of Coimbra, Portugal},
  address       = {Wroclaw, Poland},
  pages         = {11-15},
  month         = {july},
  year          = {2011},