Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set

Copyright(c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
LicenseGPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Safe HaskellNone




Central datastructures for development graphs Follows Sect. IV:4.2 of the CASL Reference Manual.

We also provide functions for constructing and modifying development graphs. However note that these changes need to be propagated to the GUI if they also shall be visible in the displayed development graph.


types for structured specification analysis

basic types

data NodeSig

Node with signature in a DG




getNode :: Node
getSig :: G_sign

data MaybeNode

NodeSig or possibly the empty sig in a logic (but since we want to avoid lots of vsacuous nodes with empty sig, we do not assign a real node in the DG here)

newtype Renamed

a wrapper for renamings with a trivial Ord instance



data MaybeRestricted

a wrapper for restrictions with a trivial Ord instance

data DGOrigin

Data type indicating the origin of nodes and edges in the input language This is not used in the DG calculus, only may be used in the future for reconstruction of input and management of change.

data DGNodeInfo

node content or reference to another library's node

hasOpenGoals :: DGNodeLab -> Bool

test if a given node label has local open goals

isInternalNode :: DGNodeLab -> Bool

check if the node has an internal name

getNodeConservativity :: LNode DGNodeLab -> Conservativity

returns the Conservativity if the given node has one, otherwise none

hasOpenNodeConsStatus :: Bool -> DGNodeLab -> Bool

test if a node conservativity is open, return input for refs or nodes with normal forms

getRealDGNodeType :: DGNodeLab -> DGNodeType

creates a DGNodeType from a DGNodeLab

newtype Fitted

a wrapper for fitting morphisms with a trivial Eq instance


Fitted [G_mapping] 

data DGLinkType

Link types of development graphs, Sect. IV:4.2 of the CASL Reference Manual explains them in depth.

thmLinkStatus :: DGLinkType -> Maybe ThmLinkStatus

extract theorem link status from link type

thmProofBasis :: DGLinkType -> ProofBasis

extract proof basis from link type

nameDGLink :: String -> DGLinkLab -> DGLinkLab

name a link

getDGLinkType :: DGLinkLab -> String

describe the link type of the label

getRealDGLinkType :: DGLinkLab -> DGEdgeType

creates a DGEdgeType from a DGLinkLab

getProofBasis :: DGLinkLab -> ProofBasis

return the proof basis of the given linklab

setProof :: ThmLinkStatus -> DGLinkType -> DGLinkType

set proof for theorem links

methods to check the type of an edge

types for global environments

data GenSig

import, formal parameters and united signature of formal params

data ExtGenSig

genericity and body



data ExtViewSig

source, morphism, parameterized target

types for architectural and unit specification analysis (as defined for basic static semantics in Chap. III:5.1)

change and history types

data DGraph

the actual development graph with auxiliary information. A G_sign should be stored in sigMap under its gSignSelfIdx. The same applies to G_morphism with morMap and gMorphismSelfIdx resp. G_theory with thMap and gTheorySelfIdx.




globalAnnos :: GlobalAnnos

global annos of library

optLibDefn :: Maybe LIB_DEFN
globalEnv :: GlobalEnv

name entities (specs, views) of a library

dgBody :: Gr DGNodeLab DGLinkLab

actual DGraph tree

currentBaseTheory :: Maybe NodeSig
refTree :: Gr RTNodeLab RTLinkLab

the refinement tree

specRoots :: Map String Node

root nodes for named specs

nameMap :: MapSet String Node

all nodes by name

archSpecDiags :: Map String Diag

dependency diagrams between units

getNewEdgeId :: EdgeId

edge counter

allRefNodes :: Map (LibName, Node) Node

all DGRef's

sigMap :: Map SigId G_sign

signature map

thMap :: Map ThId G_theory

theory map

morMap :: Map MorId G_morphism

morphism map

proofHistory :: ProofHistory

applied proof steps

redoHistory :: ProofHistory

undone proofs steps

emptyLibEnv :: LibEnv

an empty environment

utility functions

for node signatures

accessing node label

dgn_origin :: DGNodeLab -> DGOrigin

get the origin of a non-reference node (partial)

dgn_libname :: DGNodeLab -> LibName

get the referenced library (partial)

dgn_node :: DGNodeLab -> Node

get the referenced node (partial)

dgn_sign :: DGNodeLab -> G_sign

get the signature of a node's theory (total)

getDGNodeName :: DGNodeLab -> String

gets the name of a development graph node as a string (total)

globOrLocTh :: DGNodeLab -> G_theory

get the global theory of a node or the local one if missing

creating node content and label

newNodeInfo :: DGOrigin -> DGNodeInfo

create default content

newRefInfo :: LibName -> Node -> DGNodeInfo

create a reference node part

newInfoNodeLab :: NodeName -> DGNodeInfo -> G_theory -> DGNodeLab

create a new node label

newNodeLab :: NodeName -> DGOrigin -> G_theory -> DGNodeLab

create a new node label using newNodeInfo and newInfoNodeLab

handle the lock of a node

treatNodeLock :: (MVar () -> a) -> DGNodeLab -> a

wrapper to access the maybe lock

tryLockLocal :: DGNodeLab -> IO Bool

Tries to acquire the local lock. Return False if already acquired.

unlockLocal :: DGNodeLab -> IO ()

Releases the local lock.

hasLock :: DGNodeLab -> Bool

checks if locking MVar is initialized

edge label equalities

eqDGLinkLabContent :: DGLinkLab -> DGLinkLab -> Bool

equality without comparing the edge ids

eqDGLinkLabById :: DGLinkLab -> DGLinkLab -> Bool

equality comparing ids only

setting index maps

looking up in index maps

getting index maps and their maximal index

lookup other graph parts

lookupInAllRefNodesDG :: DGNodeInfo -> DGraph -> Maybe Node

lookup a reference node for a given libname and node

lookup nodes by their names or other properties

lookupNodeByName :: String -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]

lookup a node in the graph by its name, using showName to convert nodenames.

filterLocalNodesByName :: String -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]

filters all local nodes in the graph by their names, using showName to convert nodenames. See also lookupNodeByName.

filterRefNodesByName :: String -> LibName -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]

filter all ref nodes in the graph by their names, using showName to convert nodenames. See also lookupNodeByName.

lookupLocalNodeByNameInEnv :: LibEnv -> String -> Maybe (DGraph, LNode DGNodeLab)

Given a LibEnv we search each DGraph in it for a (maybe referenced) node with the given name. We return the labeled node and the Graph where this node resides as local node. See also lookupLocalNode.

lookupLocalNodeByName :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> String -> Maybe (DGraph, LNode DGNodeLab)

We search only the given DGraph for a (maybe referenced) node with the given name. We return the labeled node and the Graph where this node resides as local node. See also lookupLocalNode.

lookupLocalNode :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> Node -> (DGraph, LNode DGNodeLab)

Given a Node and a DGraph we follow the node to the graph where it is defined as a local node.

lookupRefNode :: LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> Node -> (LibName, DGraph, LNode DGNodeLab)

Given a Node and a DGraph we follow the node to the graph where it is defined .

accessing the actual graph

getNewNodeDG :: DGraph -> Node

get the next available node id

labNodesDG :: DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]

get all the nodes

labEdgesDG :: DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]

get all the edges

isEmptyDG :: DGraph -> Bool

checks if a DG is empty or not.

gelemDG :: Node -> DGraph -> Bool

checks if a given node belongs to a given DG

innDG :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]

get all the incoming ledges of the given node in a given DG

outDG :: DGraph -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]

get all the outgoing ledges of the given node in a given DG

nodesDG :: DGraph -> [Node]

get all the nodes of the given DG

labDG :: DGraph -> Node -> DGNodeLab

tries to get the label of the given node in a given DG

labRT :: DGraph -> Node -> RTNodeLab

tries to get the label of the given node in a given RT

getNameOfNode :: Node -> DGraph -> String

get the name of a node from the number of node

newNodesDG :: Int -> DGraph -> [Node]

gets the given number of new node-ids in a given DG.

safeContextDG :: String -> DGraph -> Node -> Context DGNodeLab DGLinkLab

get the context and throw input string as error message

manipulate graph

labelNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> (DGraph, DGNodeLab)

sets the node with new label and returns the new graph and the old label

delNodeDG :: Node -> DGraph -> DGraph

delete the node out of the given DG

delNodesDG :: [Node] -> DGraph -> DGraph

delete a list of nodes out of the given DG

insNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> DGraph

insert a new node into given DGraph

insLNodeDG :: LNode DGNodeLab -> DGraph -> DGraph

inserts a lnode into a given DG

insNodesDG :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph

insert a new node with the given node content into a given DGraph

delLEdgeDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph

delete a labeled edge out of the given DG

insInclEdgeDG :: LogicGraph -> DGraph -> NodeSig -> NodeSig -> Result DGraph

inserts an edge between two nodes, labelled with inclusion

insLEdgeDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> (LEdge DGLinkLab, DGraph)

insert a labeled edge into a given DG, return possibly new id of edge

insLEdgeNubDG :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph

tries to insert a labeled edge into a given DG, but if this edge already exists, then does nothing.

insEdgeAsIs :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> DGraph -> DGraph

inserts a new edge into the DGraph using it's own edgeId. ATTENTION: the caller must ensure that an edgeId is not used twice

insEdgesDG :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph

insert a list of labeled edge into a given DG

mkGraphDG :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> DGraph -> DGraph

merge a list of lnodes and ledges into a given DG

getDGLinksById :: EdgeId -> DGraph -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]

get links by id (inefficiently)

lookupUniqueLink :: Monad m => Node -> EdgeId -> DGraph -> m (LEdge DGLinkLab)

find a unique link given its source node and edgeId

top-level functions

initLocking :: DGraph -> LNode DGNodeLab -> IO (DGraph, DGNodeLab)

initializes the MVar for locking if nessesary

lookupDGraph :: LibName -> LibEnv -> DGraph

returns the DGraph that belongs to the given library name

computeLocalTheory :: Monad m => LibEnv -> LibName -> Node -> m G_theory

compute the theory of a given node. If this node is a DGRef, the referenced node is looked up first.

test link types

liftE :: (DGLinkType -> a) -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> a

create link types

link conservativity

getConservativity :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Conservativity

returns the Conservativity if the given edge has one, otherwise none

getConservativityOfPath :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Conservativity

returns the conservativity of the given path

bottom up traversal

getLibDepRel :: LibEnv -> Rel LibName

Creates a LibName relation wrt dependencies via reference nodes

dependentLibs :: LibName -> LibEnv -> [LibName]

Get imported libs in topological order, i.e. lib(s) without imports first. The input lib-name will be last