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Draft Summary of Tentative Language Design available

Recent News: 

16 July 1996: 

    [Tentative Design Proposal] A rough summary of the Tentative CoFI
    Algebraic Specification Language Design is now available. Deadline for
    comments to be incorporated in the next version: 15 August 1996

Unfortunately, I'll be away from the net for the next two weeks, so
please be patient if something has gone wrong with the installation of
the summary, which has been done in rather too much of a rush...

In case of a (serious) problem arising with the CoFI mailing lists
while I'm away, please send a message to problems@daimi.aau.dk.

May I wish you all a pleasant vacation! - and plenty of renewed energy
for further CoFI tasks on your return... 

Peter Mosses

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\  /  | Peter D Mosses         <pdmosses@brics.dk> |
CoFI  | Common Framework Initiative  - Coordinator |
/  \  | WWW URL: http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI |
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