[uDraw(Graph)-Users] Kudos! (and some questions)

Phillips, Robert V, III (Robert) rvphillips at avaya.com
Thu Jun 9 20:40:18 CEST 2005


I downloaded uDrawGraph and I am very impressed! Congratulations on
such a fine package, and also for making it available under the LGPL.

To play with uDrawGraph a little more, I found that your gml2udg utility
was very useful. I found it easier to manually edit a gml file (that gml2udg
understands) with some nodes and to display the graph. It is easier than
trying to manually edit a udg file. 

Do you have plans to release the source of gml2udg? 

I'd like to see how it
works and also try to produce a "udg2gml" utility. After that, I'd find it useful
to try to implement similar utilities to read (db2udg) and write (udg2db) a pair of relational
tables (named "nodes" and "edges", for example) to maintain a graph
structure and allow it to also be edited with database or text utilities.
The table-data could then be translated
to udg (with db2udg) for further manual fine-tuning with uDrawGraph-grapheditor, and then
have the output converted back into database format (with udg2db). 
uDrawGraph seems like an ideal package to support this kind of thing.

Thanks for your thoughts!
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