[uDraw(Graph)-Users] About drawing in uDraw

Mattias Werner mawe at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Mon Nov 20 09:25:30 CET 2006


first of all please excuse my late answer but we had mail server
problems the whole last week.

Son Dot schrieb:
> I just view the API command, but it seem lack of drawing function. For
> example, is there some api provided to draw a polygon inside window?
> for detail, I want to draw a table which contained 8 nodes, any body
> could suggestion me?

I don't know what you mean by drawing functions. You have to specify the
graph and set attributes for each node and edge. The layout algorithm
than displays (draws) your graph. There is no way to draw a table.
uDraw(Graph) is only for graphs and the algorithm draws the graphs as
directed acyclic graphs (DAG).

Mattias Werner
uDraw(Graph) project

		Dipl. Inform. Mattias Werner
		Bremen University, FB 3
		E-Mail: mawe at informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE
		WWW:	http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~mawe/

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