Study: Bouldern solely based on prior knowledge and inertial sensors

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In our research project ZaVI, we try to track the movements during bouldering. We want to investigate whether an IMU (Acceleration and angular rate sensor) is sufficient to track the position of the climber.

Why do we want to do this?

Usually, IMUs are insufficient to track the position precisely. The measurement errors amplify over time. The result may look like here:

Video: And the bike flies!

In ZaVI, we use prior knowledge to correct these errors. In the example of biking, we teached the sensor how a bike can move and that it has to stay on the track. This improves the tracking immensely.

For Bouldering, we can utilize that one has to use the grips to climb the wall. We expect an effect similarly to biking, so that we can measure the position with an IMU alone.

How can you participate?

Science requires not only theories, but practical experiments to confirm those. Thus, we want to record data to test our ideas.

You can help us to record that data. We are looking for athletes of every skill level to climb our boulder track. We equip you with multiple IMUs and different sensors so that we can observe how you fulfil the routes. We also film the experiments for further evaluations.

The experiments take place in the DAV-Kletterzentrum Bremen. If you are interested please contact Tom <tkoller AT SPAMFREE uni-bremen DOT de>. You can participate if you are over 16 years old. Underage participants require permission from a legal guardian (e.g. a parent). The experiments lasts roughly 2 hours and we compensate your time with 20€.

We want to publish the data open access for other researchers. Thus, video data of your participation is uploaded to the internet. We require your permission for the upload. You may participate without upload of your data. In that case, we use the Video data in our institute only. You can find further information in our data privacy regulation (Currently only available in german). You have to sign this at the experiment.


Tom Koller <tkoller AT SPAMFREE uni-bremen DOT de>